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  • WARM唯美句子

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    温暖的阳光下也有冰冷,就像寒冷的雪天里,总有一人,带着温暖走向你。 There is also cold in the warm sun, just like in a cold snowy day, there is always someone who comes to you with warmth. 有的人一笑,可以融化了你的世界,而你的一笑,也可以成为别人眼里永恒的温暖。 Some people can melt your world with a smile, and your smile can also become an eternal warmth in the eyes of others. 其实我们从没忘记过真相,只是我们越来越会说谎。 In fact, we never forget the truth, but we are more and more good at lying. 在情感的世界里,我们都是输红了眼眶的赌徒,以为全力付出,便可换来真心,于是不断加码,直到一无所有,输得一塌糊涂,彻彻底底。 In the emotional world, we are all red-eyed gamblers, thinking that if we give all our efforts, we can get sincerity, so we keep increasing the price until we have nothing and lose a complete mess. 你是人间四月天,但也会成为我的冰雪寒冬日。 You are the April day in the world, but it will also be my cold winter day. 生活不易,你是我的人间征途,哭笑为你,也只为你。 Life is not easy, you are my earthly journey, crying and laughing for you, but only for you.