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  • BLOSSOM简介内容



    1、灼灼桃花,三千繁华,却似人间只有一个他。 Scorching peach blossom, three flourishing, but like the world only one of him. 2、不念尘世浮华,不写红尘纷扰,不叹世道苍凉,不惹情思哀怨。 Do not read the world of vanity, do not write the world of trouble, do not sigh the world of desolation, do not provoke feelings of sorrow. 3、我与春风皆过客,谁共明月赴长生。 I just pass by with the spring breeze, who and I admire the moon together until the old. 4、相貌平平,惊艳不了岁月,亦成为不了你的白月光。 Plain-looking, amazing not years, also can not become your white moon. 5、阅人间烟火气,暖城中故人心。 Read the world fireworks gas, warm the city's people. 6、深爱之人藏心不挂嘴,久念之人入梦不入眼。 The person who loves hides the heart not to hang up the mouth, the person who misses enters the dream, the dream awakens actually does not see. 7、当年相知未回音,空叹年华似流水。 When friends did not reply, empty sigh like flowing water. 8、岁月悠长,山河无恙,你我都不复当年模样。 Years long, mountains and rivers sound, you and I are no longer the same. 9、谁愿陪你枯骨成双,作别这场曲散人凉。 Who is willing to accompany you into a pair of bones, say goodbye to the song loose people cool. 10、相逢一醉是前缘,风雨散,飘然何处? Meet a drunk is the front, wind and rain, drift where? 11、一入江湖岁月催,少年子弟江湖老。 Enter river's lake time to urge, young children river's lake is old. 12、一花一木一世界,一云一天一瞬间,一悲一喜一愁眠,一霜一露落人间。 A flower a wood a world, a cloud a day flash, a sad a happy a sad sleep, a frost a dew fall.