1.喜你如盛夏白瓷 梅子汤甜。
I like you as the midsummer white porcelain plum soup sweet.
2.我一不小心撞入你的温柔星球 借着飞船损坏的理由妄想度上一生。
I accidentally crashed into your gentle planet by reason of ship damage delusion for a lifetime.
3.收好你的卑微 别忘了你也是一个特别的人。
Don't forget that you're a special person, too.
4.我相信你总会到来 像云朵总会等来月亮。
I believe you will always come like clouds always waiting for the moon.
All tender sentient love is to you can like the stars.
I still like you like the moon next to the stars for a long time.
You are the tender ideal that I want to hide all confesses to all.
Steal the summer from the cone steal the love from your eyes.
9.愿你成长落落大方 枯木逢春 不负众望。
May you grow up naturally and generously.