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    【手绘】上色.温苑&蓝愿 I’m coming!(是的,我又忘记拍过程辽…😂)
    I'm sorry! 我把我江哥给毁了|・ω・`) 原图放一张(*/∇\*) #怦然心动手绘#
    (灵感源自姆爷的《The Monster》 背景是猴西的《Gaoline》里的歌词) (听说拍细节能提升逼格。。。试图伪装大佬) I'm beginning to lose sleep: one sheep, two sheep 我开始失眠 一只羊 两只羊 Going cuckoo and cooky as Kool Keith 变得像 Kool Keith 一样古灵精怪 But I'm actually weirder than you think 但我比你想象得更加诡怪 Cause I'm 因为我 I'm friends with the monster 我是妖魔的朋友 That's under my bed 来自床底 Get along with the voices inside of my head 和脑海中的声响淡定相处 You're trying to save me 你想拯救我么 Stop holding your breath 别屏息期待奇迹 And you think I'm crazy 你觉得我疯了 Yeah, you think I'm crazy 你觉得我疯了 Well,that's not fair 何止是疯狂 这不值一提 ——Eminem/Rihanna《The Monster》
  • I'm…文案

    “他抗下一切风雨,先你一步成长,然后来宠你,他真的好喜欢你”——《偏偏宠爱》 “Gin是琴酒的英文,而琴酒的谐音为秦究。没有A的again,没有你的重来。Gin少了两个a,因为秦究失去了游惑两次。”154+922=1076镜子里看是love。021+078=99意味着长长久久。I'm waiting. 爱慕未停。——《全球高考》 “林语惊,我很幸运”所有遗憾和错过你相比,都是一种幸运——《白日梦我》 “阿瓒和冉冉结婚了”—《白色橄榄树》 夏天永远热烈,我爱的少年也是。——《告白》 “她是善良的审判者。而他在被凌迟”——《她 的小梨涡》 夜色沉寂,不知哪棵树上的蝉突然拖长调子叫了一声,明明是夏末,却像仲春的一场惊蛰。 ——《某某》 世间总有星辰开道——木苏里《一级律师》 “亲手折断了自己的玫瑰,还纳闷他为什么会枯萎 。”一一《垂耳执事》 “长阶血未尽,那是他带你回家的路”“八苦长恨花,那是他替你受过的苦”——《二哈和他的白猫师尊》
    别人和你聊天是因为喜欢你,我就不一样了,我是为了你的表情包。 People talk to you because they like you, I'm different. I'm for your emoticons. 跟我混吧,有我一碗饭吃,就有你一个碗洗。 Follow me, I have a bowl of rice to eat, you have a bowl to wash. 我是个很自律的人,既然我说了要减肥,那我就一直说。 I'm a very disciplined person. Since I said I wanted to lose weight, I always said. 很多人对帅哥没有抵抗力,我不一样,我根本不想抵抗,但帅哥想抵抗。 Many people have no resistance to handsome men. I'm different. I don't want to resist at all, but handsome men want to resist. 草地上的小羊好幸福啊,站在自己巨大的食物上。 How happy are the lambs on the grass, standing on their huge food. “你吃饭的时候是喜欢跟男朋友挨着坐还是坐在男朋友对面?” “我比较喜欢他们围着我坐。” "Do you like to sit next to or opposite your boyfriend when you eat?" "I prefer that they sit around me." 我一个学生,怎么敢谈恋爱呢?我有什么资格恋爱,我配吗?我的生活只有作业,我凭什么恋爱啊?凭食堂开饭我跑得最快吗? How dare I fall in love as a student? I have what qualifications to fall in love, I deserve it? My life only has homework, why am I in love? Can I run the fastest with the canteen? 生活中总有许多出人意料的事情,比如,你以为我要举个例子。 There are always many unexpected things in life, for example, you think I want to give an example. “什么是宝藏女孩?” “好看不渣优雅风趣专一贴心迷人。” “能否具体点?” “我。” "What is a treasure girl?" "Good looking, elegant, funny, attentive and charming." "Can you be more specific?" "Me." 要不我们恋爱吧,每天跟你分享新鲜事,消息秒回,电话秒接,微信删掉所有异性,不跟别的男孩子说一句话,只对你一个人好。你觉得你配吗?在这看半天。 Otherwise, let's fall in love, share new things with you every day, reply to news in seconds, answer phone in seconds, delete all heterosexuals through wechat, and don't say a word to other boys, it's only good for you. Do you think you deserve it? Look here for half a day.
    【小卡】 I'm a 🍓. 懒得写文案啦,这个也是用包装纸剪了一下贴的,红色系拼贴可是稀有产物~ 去弟弟的幼儿园接他,发现他幼儿园比我们学校还乱……吃的也没有我们的好,难道幼儿园不应该吃的更好更有营养一点吗???
    有人给你撑伞,可明明是我陪你淋雨的。 Someone gives you an umbrella, but I accompany you through the rain. 我没那么坚强,只是习惯了什么事都自己扛。 I'm not so strong, but I'm used to carrying everything by myself. 我希望生活有惊喜,我希望喜欢有回应。 I hope there are surprises in my life, and I hope there are responses. 决定放弃你的那晚我再风中吹了好久好久。 The night I decided to give up on you, the wind blew for a long time. 雨太大了,撑伞也没用,我的意思是无所谓了。 The rain is so heavy that it is useless to hold an umbrella. I mean it doesn't matter. 我曾无所畏惧,因为背后有你。但现在我怕了 I was fearless, because you were behind me. But now I'm scared. 心情假如可以撒谎,那我就不用笑的那么开心了。 If the mood can lie, then I don't have to laugh so happy. 那些我为之动容的东西一次又一次的辜负我。 The things that I moved for failed me again and agai. 我不缺爱,你的离开,只是让我少了一个习惯。 I don't lack love, you leave, just let me less a habit. 你备注改成了名字,连名带姓最初的样子. Change your remarks to the name, even the first name with the last name. 懂得太多道理,就会失去这个年龄改有的快乐。 Know too much truth will lose this age to change some happiness. 也许一个人真正无可奈何的时候除 了微笑也只好微笑了。 Perhaps a person really helpless when in addition to smile also had to smile.