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    B.A.D漫画 ,##而痛苦,丑恶而美丽,神秘的幻想。 你爱她吗? B.A.D漫画更新至[第8话],预计一周后更新至[第9话]

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    没有滤镜,就这样看吧…… 来呀互相伤害! 这是给霜儿小姐姐的生贺结果拖到今天才画完就很bad 欢迎大佬给意见,如果有意见就直接提我下次一定改! 小天使赞我谢谢(舅舅:怎么又带我?)
    咳咳,【手绘——Bad Girl】
    手绘小孩bad guy
    What’s in “HELL”is bad?
    大天使加百列 手绘 不是很好看 地狱有什么不好
  • BAD文案

    从今天起,你就是那个有人要的坏小孩了。 From today on, you're the bad kid someone wants. 我不会装作若无其事的样子,我会把所有的事都告诉你。 I won't pretend to be nothing, I'll tell you everything. 任何事都无法戳破我的梦,诗和远方虽然很贵,等我会努力赚取路费。 Nothing can puncture my dream, poetry and distance although very expensive, and so I will try to earn road tolls. 我只在你面前卸下过防备,我希望你可以温柔地照顾好我最柔弱的那一面。 I've only removed my guard in front of you, and I hope you can take care of my weakest side gently. 你的笑,对我而言,就是这世间最美丽的瞬间,喜欢看你的笑,喜欢看见你吵吵闹闹。 Your smile, for me, is the most beautiful moment in the world, like to see your smile, like to see you noisy. 如果可以和未来用一次话,我的第一句会问你现在过得好不好? If you can talk about it once in the future, my first sentence will ask you if you're having a good time now. 在这个维度里,我希望终有一天我们可以相遇。 In this dimension, I hope that one day we can meet. 他终究成了自己最理想的样子,但却永远都不是你眼中的那个他了。 He's the best he's ever been, but it's never the one you see. 其实我从没有想过,我现在还有如此大的力量,它每一秒都在呼喊你。 In fact, I never thought, I still have so much power, it every second is calling you. 这世界突然变得好安静,让我想起了那个叽叽喳喳的你。 The world suddenly became so quiet that It reminded me of the shy you. 我有预感,在你的身边一定会出现一件好事,也许那个人马上就要到达你的身边了。 I have a hunch that a good thing will happen to you, and maybe that person will soon be there for you. 其实我没有逃过所有的情绪,虽然我是个感性的人,但我可以控制住所有情绪,让自己理性的看待所有事情。 In fact, I did not escape all the emotions, although I am an emotional person, but I can control all emotions, let myself look at everything rationally. 不要觉得自己是一个多么糟糕的人,每个人都值得所有的爱和糖果。 Don't feel like a bad person, everyone deserves all the love and candy.
    1.到底什么样的终点,才配得上这一路的颠簸流离。 What kind of end, just worthy of this road bumpy displacement. 2.生不逢时,所到之处皆是命数。 Born in bad time, everywhere is fate. 3.终其一生,不过是南柯一梦。 All his life is but a dream. 4.所有失望都来自“我以为”。 All disappointments come from "I thought". 5.只因在风中,聚散不由你我。 Because in the wind, we are not together. 6.保持绝望,才能不断尽情享受短暂的快乐 Only by keeping despair can we continue to enjoy temporary happiness 7.如果没有过度的欢喜,便不会有极度的悲伤。 There can be no great sorrow without great joy. 8.听说哭湿枕头会梦见大海。 It is said that crying a wet pillow dreams of the sea. 9.说实话,都是在黑夜里崩溃的俗人。 To tell the truth, are in the night collapse of the vulgar. 10.每天重复着上演,崩溃和自愈。 It repeats itself every day, collapsing and healing. 11.与世无争,但这世间疾苦还是不肯放过我。 Stand aloof from worldly sorrow, but the world still refuses to let me go. 12.人间很美好,但我不想再来了。 The world was beautiful, but I don't want to come again. 13.该失望的事,从来没有辜负过我。 The disappointment, never let me down. 14.人是会变的,简单的五个字,讲完了所有故事。 People can change. In five simple words, they tell all the stories. 15.有些人啊,他不爱你,也不放过你。 Some people, he does not love you, will not let you go. 16.单曲循环的歌词里都是遗憾。 The lyrics of the single's cycle are full of regrets. 17.我还是一无所有。 I still have nothing. 18.我的一年,活了一天 重复364遍。 My one year, live a day to repeat 364 times. OVER