这是一个情绪大爆发的世界 七情六欲的情绪也会诞生出吞噬他们自身的情绪怪物 有这样一群人"情绪师“他们通过控制自己的情绪来获得力量–暗部也在寻找"无情绪者人来作为实验体 注入各种情绪 让他成为一个更好的容器 一切的一切都是为情绪大暴乱时代做准备 这到底是阴谋还是通向未来的道路 背后的黑手倒是是谁在操控
你成不了心态的主人必然会沦落为情绪的奴隶If you can't be the master of your mind, you will inevitably become the slave of your emotions
It was interesting to see this sudden change in Xiao Chen's expression... He went from crazed, to sad (sad is the right word? I'm sure not, but it do
我本来就很麻烦,情绪很多,爱哭粘人,胡思乱想,这些换谁谁都接受不了, 我知道, 所以我没有打算成为谁的偏爱。 I am already very troublesome, I have a lot of emotions, I like crying and clinging to people,
There may be many people who like you, but it is the most rare person who knows how to take care of your emotions. Gentleness in details, you don't ha