只要足够的冷漠,难过的那个人不一定是我 As long as enough indifference, sad that person is not necessarily me 总有人教我成长,但方式不值得我感恩Someone always teaches me to grow up, but the way is not worthy of my gratitude 有时候看着自己的故事,我都替我自己感到心酸 Sometimes looking at my own story, I feel sad for myself 一个人有多好一点都不重要,一个人对你有多好才重要 It doesn't matter how good a person is, it matters how good a person is to you 在喜欢的东西,也别握太紧,手会疼,东西会碎 Don't hold things too tightly when you like them. Your hands will hurt and things will break 看不见的伤最疼,流不出的眼泪最委屈Invisible injuries are the most painful, and tears that can't flow out are the most wronged 别总因为迁就别人而委屈自己,这个世界上没几个人值得你弯腰 Don't always grieve yourself for accommodating others. Few people in the world are worth bending over 我不知道嘴角上扬多少度,笑容才能不僵硬I don't know how many degrees the corner of my mouth rises, and the smile can not be stiff