想要坠入深海里,独自去最深的海底,还想潜入你梦里,不渝地陪着你。 Want to fall into the deep sea, go to the deepest sea alone, also want to dive into your dream, to accompany you unswervingly. 谁陪我做执迷的鲸鱼,在人海中游来游去诉说自己的言语。 Who will accompany me to be an obsessive whale,Swim in the crowd to tell your own words. 因为是你,所有的抗争和执着都有了意义,名为孤寂的鲸鱼终于被放回了海底。 Because of you, all the struggle and persistence have meaning, and the whale named loneliness has finally been put back to the bottom of the sea. 鲸落海底,哺暗界众生十五年。 Whales fall to the bottom of the sea and feed all living beings in the dark world for 15 years. 你如星辰入海,侵万鲸成宇宙。 You are like stars in the sea, invading thousands of whales into the universe.  如果我的孤独是鱼,想必连鲸鱼都会慑于其巨大与狰狞而逃之夭夭。 If my loneliness is a fish, I think even whales will run away in fear of its greatness and ferocity.  贝加尔湖畔没有化身孤岛的鲸,我的世界也不会再有你。 There is no whale incarnating in an island on the Bank of Baikal Lake, and there will be no more you in my world  人间最美,不过鲸落。一念山河