连崩溃都要考虑后果的人你说他到底有多懂事。 How sensible is a man who has to consider the consequences of a collapse. 不必灰心,很多关系到最后都不过是相识一场罢了。你要学会去接受它。散伙是人间常态。 Don't lose heart, a lot of things are just acquaintances in the end. You have to learn to accept it.Breaking up is the norm in the world. 花开半,酒微醉,爱不满。 Flower half, wine slightly drunk, love dissatisfaction. 愿你历经千帆,归来仍是少年。 May you go through thousands of sails and come back as a teenager. 即使摔倒了也要给我爬起来。人生路那么长,不要经历一次挫败就站不起来。放弃很容易,但坚持一定很酷。 Even if I fall down, I have to get up. The road of life is so long, don't experience a setback and you can't stand up. It's easy to give up, but it must be cool to stick to it. 人生的旅途就是这样,大半部分时间迷茫,一部分时间成长。 The journey of life is like this, most of the time confused, part of the time to grow. 你要相信,所有的失去都会换一种方式归来。 You have to believe that all the losses will come back in a different way. 要对所有的热爱都充满热情,包括自己。 Be passionate about all your love, including yourself. 爱你的时候发誓是真的,不爱你的时候离开也是真的。从新鲜感到敷衍放弃也只是一瞬间的事而已。