说到底其实我没有什么喜欢的城市,大多数是因为喜欢的朋友在那里所以连带着也喜欢那一片土地。 In the end, I don't have any cities I like. Most of them are because my friends are there, so I like the land. 好喜欢那种做什么事都抱有热情和好奇心的人,可以带给人一种让人十分幸福满足又有所期待的感觉,即使做一件很简单的小事也可以欢欢喜喜,高高兴兴的。 I like people who are enthusiastic and curious about everything. They can bring people a feeling of happiness, satisfaction and expectation. Even if they do a simple thing, they can be happy and happy. 红色是穿透能力很强的颜色,斗牛士用红色的布是为了保证在观众席上的你看清楚,对于牛来说,你换个其他颜色也无妨。 Red is a color with strong penetrability. Matadors use red cloth to ensure that you can see clearly in the audience. For the bull, you can change other colors. 今日读到一句话:万物生长,各自高贵。 万物有各自的脉络、际遇或起落,皆有各自的苦要熬,有各自的路要走,却也终究会遇见各自的美好。 Today I read a sentence: all things grow, each noble. All things have their own context, fate or ups and downs. They all have their own hardships to endure and their own ways to go, but they will eventually meet their own good. 我发现因为今年大家都坚持戴口罩,这大半年来好像我身边的朋友感冒的都很少很少。 I found t