早安 我来更新背景图了 超温柔的文案 记得当时年纪小,你爱谈天我爱笑,有一回并肩坐在桃树下,风在林梢儿鸟儿在叫,我们不知怎样睡着了,梦里花落知多少。 I remember when I was young, you love to talk and I love to laugh. Once sitting side by side under a peach tree, the wind was in the woods and the birds were calling. We did not know how to fall asleep, and how much we knew in our dreams. 世事不堪。但你不一样,你永远温柔,永远是那个月亮。 The world is terrible. But you are different, you are always gentle, always the moon. 无论何时何地,尝试着发现美好,一张脸,一行诗句,窗外的云朵,一些涂鸦,一个风电场。 No matter when and where, try to find beauty, a face, a line of verse, clouds outside the window, some graffiti, a wind farm. 『水印已除,抱图吱声,🈲二转!』