【稀世时装】前锋-速滑种子 一个小冰人,形单影只无人伴;烈日化雪一场空,一个也不剩。 One little iceman thinking he has won—the sun melted the ice and then there were none. 【奇珍时装】破轮-球球 两个小冰人,蓝铃花前赏春意;花香浓郁难呼吸,两个只剩一。 Two little icemen admiring flowers under the sun—one fainted from the smell and then there were one. 【奇珍时装】调香师-冰上舞蹈 三个小冰人,湖面旋舞危机藏;初春冰面裂如网,三个只剩两。 Three little icemen dancing on a lake in blue—one broke the ice and then there were two.