1、总是逼着自己成长,那些成长真心痛。 Always force oneself to grow up, those growth heartache. 2、你让我红了眼眶,我却还笑着原谅。 You made my eyes red, but I smiled and forgiven. 3、热水放久了都会变凉,何况这是爱情。 Hot water cools over time, not to mention love. 4、过去的过去,都只是悲伤的回忆。 The past is just sad memories. 5、热情给错了人 ,到最后什么都是自作多情 Enthusiasm goes to the wrong person. In the end, it was all over 6、我恨着你,但也爱着你。 I hate you, but love you. 7、让一个人变强大的最好方式,就是拥有一个想要保护的人。 The best way to make someone strong is to have someone who needs protection. 8、真正离开的那次,关门声最小。 The real time I left, the door closed the least. 9、如果情可以割舍,为何道别后,心,还是管不住的难过。 If love can break away, why goodbye, heart, or uncontrollable. 10、我曾经委曲求全像条狗,你却没有扔掉骄傲跟我走。 I worked like a dog for all Qu you don't throw away the pride, and go with me. 11、曾经拥有的,现在成了一片空白。 Once owned of, now became a blank. 12、也许是我们懦弱,经不起命运的颠簸。 Maybe we cowardly, can not stand the fate of turbulence.